Im baaaaaaack.

I know I’ve said this a dozen times, but I do apologize for the absence on this here blog. Little bit about what I’m up to, and a little announcement.

First off, I’ve decided, after many inquiries here, to get a bit more serious about consulting. I’m putting together a formal consulting package for bars looking to up their cocktails on draft game. I’ll probably get a domain name and a website and a formal consultancy going and all that soon. If you’re interested, for now you can reach me here.

Second, the Bar Car has been going extremely well. Every year we seem to do twice as many weddings as the year before. Street festivals have grown too and I want them to be more of a focus for next year. We did about 50 events total this year, and based on bookings the Airstream will probably do just as many next year. And in addition, I’ll have at least two more units ready to go also by then.

Third, I’m in the wire-framing stages of making my Cocktail Calc site much better. Right now it’s done very little but gets used a decent amount. I want to make it the definitive tool for batching cocktails. It’ll be a winter hobby of mine to get it in shape.

I’m also going to try to set myself a monthly goal of developing one new cocktail ready to go for sharing here.  I’ve got a couple in the tank to get myself through the slow months thankfully. I might even do some of them in video form to help people figure out how to do these types of drinks at home.

1 thought on “Im baaaaaaack.

  1. Antoine

    Hi, have you thought about sharing your “fake lime juice” recipe ? I want to make some prebatched (quite in advance) sour cocktails for a party but can’t find a decent way to do it…

    Anyway, happy to see that you (awesome) blog is still active 🙂



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